CakePHP is widely used framework of PHP. It is completely build in MVC structure and almost have all built in functions which boost your web application.
What you need:
- A running web server. I am going to assume you’re using Apache, though the instructions for using other servers should be very similar. I might have to play a little with the server configuration, but most folks can get CakePHP up and running without any configuration at all. Make sure you have PHP 5.2.8 or greater.
- A database server. I going to be using MySQL server in this tutorial. You’ll need to know enough about SQL in order to create a database: CakePHP will be taking the reins from there. Since I’m using MySQL, also make sure that you have pdo_mysql enabled in PHP.
- Basic PHP knowledge. The more object-oriented programming you’ve done, the better: but fear not if you’re a procedural fan.
- Finally, you’ll need a basic knowledge of the MVC programming pattern. A quick overview can be found in Understanding Model-View-Controller. Don’t worry, it’s only half a page or so.
Download CakePHP from:
Extract and move it to Apache www directory.
The Structure:
/app /lib /plugins /vendors .htaccess index.php README
Now create a Database in MySQL.
And set up the config file in /app/Config/database.php
<?php public $default = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '', 'login' => 'cakeBlog', 'password' => 'c4k3-rUl3Z', 'database' => 'cake_blog_tutorial', 'schema' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'encoding' => 'utf8' ); ?>
Note if you are getting 500 internal server error while executing cakephp in Browser then check Apache mod_rewrite mod is enable.
That’s it for now. Now in next tutorial we will start how to write code and manage controller, models & Views