Tejas Rana

AngularJS an Introduction of alternative of Jquery

Why AngularJS is trending now?

just word “Powered by Google”.

and in detail: AngularJS is opensource and it is written in JavaScript and maintained by Google, is famously used in the development of single page applications(SPA). These single page applications are web applications or websites that very well suit on a single web page, giving a smooth user experience. By providing the best of services using AngularJS framework, Though AngularJS is known to have a steep learning curve, it remains to be popular amongst developers for several reasons. Once a significant amount of time is spent on mastering AngularJS, development and testing of applications would become simpler.
With this you dont have to de depended on ID and Classes it is work on “ng-controller” and “ng-app”. Its is MVC based javascript framework which ready your complete HTML page and execute {{ }}. It becomes popular because it allowed rapid front-end application development.
With the use of this framework, a complete client-side solution is provided cohesively. Data binding, basic templating directives, validation, routing, deep linking and reusable components, all come as a set. Furthermore, the features play a major role in its easy usability. Some of them constitute scope, controller, services, filters, directives, templates, routing, etc. Setting aside the security aspect, AngularJS offers many advantages and has risen in its popularity.
Reasons for the popularity of AngularJS


Learn AngularJS using Examples

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